

Molasses is a thick syrup that comes from byproduct of sugar making process. It is commonly used as a major constituent in fine commercial brown sugar.


  • Weight: 25 kg
  • Carbon content: approximately 21%
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Molasses is a thick syrup that comes from byproduct of sugar making process. It is commonly used as a major constituent in fine commercial brown sugar.


  • Weight: 25 kg
  • Carbon content: approximately 21%


  • In agriculture, it is an effective soil amendment and a common ingredient in fertilizers.
  • In animal husbandry, it is used as a feed additive to improve the performance and increase the appetite of crop animals
  • In aquaculture, it is used to stimulate microbial growth to lower the pH of water and as a food source to stimulate the growth of probiotics before applying them to the culture water.
  • In biofloc systems, molasses is used as a carbohydrate source to maintain the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio.


  • After each use, the lid should be tightly closed to prevent spoilage.
  • Should not be stored in a refrigerator.